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411 University St, Seattle


This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.

Contact Us

APEX Accelerator Staff and Locations

The National Center APEX Accelerator serves Native American Indian owned businesses from 61 Tribes in 33 States within the Eastern, Southwest, & Navajo BIA Regions. APEX Accelerator’s Main Office is in Marietta, GA with satellite locations in Liverpool, NY, St. Michaels, AZ, Denver, CO, Albuquerque, NM, and  Marksville, LA.

Sponsoring Organization: The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED)

Main Office
86 South Cobb Drive
Marietta, GA

Phone: (480) 999-2234
Fax: 480-545-4208
Email: apex@ncaied.org

APEX Accelerator Contact

  • George Williams

    APEX Accelerator Program Manager, Georgia Main Office

  • Kathleen Weeks

    APEX Accelerator Senior Office Manager, Georgia Main Office

  • Crystal Pierce

    APEX Accelerator Sr Procurement Specialist, New York Satellite Office

  • Mabel Tsosie

    APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Navajo Nation Satellite Office

  • Chris Jeansonne, Jr.

    APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Louisiana Satellite Office

  • Stan Sams

    APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Colorado & New Mexico Satellite Office

George Williams

APEX Accelerator Program Manager, Georgia Main Office

George Williams is the Program Manager of APEX Accelerator. His previous positions with the NCAIED include Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, Interim Operations Manager & RES Sponsorship Coordinator, APEX Accelerator Program Manager, and APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist. He has worked with NCAIED APEX Accelerator program since 2000. Mr. Williams is a former employee of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Marietta, Georgia having worked for over sixteen years in the areas of Procurement, Subcontract Management, and Aircraft Manufacturing.

In 2011, the National Center American Indian APEX Accelerator received the “Economic Impact Award” from the APEX Accelerator centers for fostering significant economic impact through direct and acknowledged assistance to an APEX Accelerator client business in obtaining government contracts, thereby creating and/or retaining jobs.

Mr. Williams holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Kennesaw State University. He is a Level III Certified Contracting Assistance Specialist with the APEX Accelerator and a Certified Supplier Diversity Professional with the Alliance of Supplier Diversity Professionals. He also serves as the Music Leader at Kingston United Methodist Church and supports other volunteer efforts in the local Kingston, GA area.

Kathleen Weeks

APEX Accelerator Senior Office Manager, Georgia Main Office

Kathleen Weeks has been with the National Center APEX Accelerator since February 2013.  She started her position as the PTAC Administrative Assistant and within a few months was promoted to the PTAC Office Manager.  In October 2016, she took on a dual role as both Interim Executive Assistant and PTAC Office Manager until March of 2017 when she returned to her sole role as the Office Manager.  By 2020 she was wearing hats for multiple roles in addition to her previous duties, including marketing, graphic design, bookkeeping & accounting, and IT/computer maintenance, so thus she was promoted to Senior Office Manager.

Mrs. Weeks is a mother of four, which taught her how to organize everything.  Using this skill, she started volunteer work for the school system in the early 1990’s and was referred to as “the person to go to when you want to get things done” by the Superintendent of Marietta City Schools.  Again, acquiring many varied skills, she moved into the work force, with only a few business courses to show on her resume and almost no professional work history.  She went from substitute teaching, to organizing photo shoots for little league teams, to weekend supervisor for a litigation support services company owned by Brown College of Court Reporting.  Then she proved herself to the company manager and started her administrative role at Litigation Technologies in the late 1990s.

Kathleen has since acquired over 25 years of experience in the administrative management arena where she has handled a vast array of responsibilities from assistant positions to supervisory and management roles.  Her motto is, “I don’t claim to know everything, but if I don’t know it, then I WILL find out”.

Crystal Pierce

APEX Accelerator Sr Procurement Specialist, New York Satellite Office

Crystal (Cris) Pierce is a Procurement Specialist with APEX Accelerator hosted by the National Center. The American Indian APEX Accelerator assists American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian owned small businesses to effectively compete in government contracting on the federal, state, and local government levels. Cris works with businesses in the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Eastern Region.

Cris has a long-standing relationship with the National Center and its predecessor, the United Indian Development Association (UIDA) that dates to the Decade Dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of UIDA. She was part of the first Indian Progress in Business (INPRO) Awards Dinner, the first Reservation Economic Summit (RES), and so many other firsts for the organization. She served the organization in many capacities including Project Director for the California Indian Business Development Center and for the North Carolina Native American Business Enterprise Center funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency. Cris returned in 2019 to the position of Procurement Specialist with the National Center American Indian APEX Accelerator. On hiatus from the National Center, Cris was Program Manager for the regional APEX Accelerator hosted by the Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission in Oil City.

Cris is a member of APEX Accelerator and is a Certified Procurement Professional (CPP). Cris is a graduate of Niagara University. She pursued a career in government and public relations until she was introduced to the organization now known as the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development.

Mabel Tsosie

APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Navajo Nation Satellite Office

Mabel Tsosie is the Procurement Specialist of the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) American Indian APEX Accelerator at the Navajo Nation Satellite Office. Her previous positions with the NCAIED and APEX Accelerator include Lead Event Registration Consultant, Event Marketing Specialist for APEX Accelerator Matchmaking events & APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist Contractor. She has worked with NCAIED APEX Accelerator program since 2008.

Ms. Tsosie is a former employee as a contractor to the General Services Administration (GSA) when Federal Technology Services agency administered federal technology contracts for tribal/federal agencies and military installations. Mabel has over 20 years of experience in business and technology spanning into public and private sectors, having delivered professional services tailored to minority entities utilizing cultural competency with the Native Community with her business, Spottedhorse Infosystems LLC. Her experience with both Federal and Tribal Governments makes Mabel a welcome addition to the APEX Accelerator.

Even since she was young, Mabel was always fascinated with business machines. Her fascination became a passion when she obtained Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems at Arizona State University. Today, Mabel has a passion to infuse digital solutions into organizations with information and business management needs.

Chris Jeansonne, Jr.

APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Louisiana Satellite Office

Chris Jeansonne is a Procurement Specialist at APEX Accelerator, serving in the APEX Accelerator’s newest satellite office location in Marksville, Louisiana.

Chris is a lifelong resident of Bunkie, Louisiana.  He attended school at Louisiana State University and is a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran. He has worked with the Federal Bureau of Prisons as an instructor and in 2008 received their Director’s Award for Distinguished Service.  He has also been honored by the U.S. Attorney General for Exceptional Heroism. Chris has two daughters, Natalie and Rylee.

Chris has over 20 years of regional operations management, serving as a financial director, sales, marketing and business development coordinator, Chief of Operations, and mentor.  He has been focused on establishing lasting relationships with staff, vendors and, most importantly clients, with one goal in mind: Providing the highest levels of customer appreciation and satisfaction. Chris’ ultimate goal in life is to make a positive difference in as many lives as possible.

Stan Sams

APEX Accelerator Procurement Specialist, Colorado & New Mexico Satellite Office

Stan is the Colorado APEX Accelerator in the Denver, Colorado satellite office.  In 2011, the APEX Accelerator received the “Economic Impact Award” from the Association of APEX Accelerator for fostering significant economic impact through direct and acknowledged assistance to a APEX Accelerator client business in obtaining government contracts, thereby creating and retaining jobs.

Stan is a member of the Cherokee Nation and brings more than 25 years of business development and management experience to his role with the APEX Accelerator. He is well versed with the 8(a) program and various disadvantaged business certifications, having previously been a client of the APEX Accelerator, and gained these certifications with his own business.  His experience with federal, state, and local contracting procedures makes him a valuable resource for all Native-owned companies in Colorado.

Stan currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Rocky Mountain Indian Chamber of Commerce and previously served as the Vice Board Chair. He also regularly devotes time to non-profits as a business, marketing, and brand advisor.

Stan holds a BFA Degree in Marketing Communications and Design from Colorado State University. He is also a member of several industry organizations in the marketing and design professions.

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Facility

86 South Cobb Drive

Marietta, GA 30063-0510

George Williams, Program Manager

Direct Line: (928) 255-1085

Cell: (480) 280-6098


Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Facility

86 South Cobb Drive

Marietta, GA 30063-0510

 Kathleen “WeSa” Weeks, Senior Office Manager

Direct Line: (480) 999-2323

Cell: (480) 321-6178


Lockheed Martin RMS Facility

497 Electronics Parkway

Liverpool, NY 13088

Coverage Area: Eastern BIA Region

Crystal Pierce, Senior Procurement Specialist

Direct Line: (928) 255-1563

Cell: (480) 843-9847


Karigan Professional Building, 2nd Floor

Highway 264, 100 Taylor Road

St. Michaels, Arizona 86511

Coverage Area: Navajo Nation BIA Region

Mabel Tsosie, Procurement Specialist

Direct Line: (928) 255-1172

Cell: (480) 371-8373


Iron Woman Construction Offices

12503 E Euclid Drive

Centennial, CO 80111

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

2401 12th Street NW

Albuquerque, NM 87104

Coverage Area: Southwestern BIA Region – CO / NM

Stan Sams, Procurement Specialist

Direct Line: (928) 255-5101

Cell: (480) 824-8520


Tunica-Biloxi Tribe Offices

763 Earl Barbry Sr Blvd

Marksville, LA 71351

Coverage Area: Southeastern BIA Region

Chris Jeansonne Jr, Procurement Specialist

Direct Line: (480) 376-2892

Cell: (480) 255-6625

